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In this martial arts video tutorial, an instructor teaches you some of the pressure points on the human body. With these pressure points, you can take your opponent down without seriously injuring him ...
Football, soccer and baseball players, along with almost every sport can benefit from a little martial arts. Wait, what does martial arts have to do with playing a sport? Performance training usually ...
How to fight multiple attackers with 5 simple Wing Chun techniques that will help survive a attack by a gang of multiple attackers. These are some of the best tactics on how to fight a group of people ...
This is an advanced Aikido Ukemi tutorial which explains 11 different exercises seen and unseen. The tutorial includes detailed explanations of how to perform soft high falls from different techniques ...
In this tutorial, we will teach you how to defend yourself against an attacker with a knife. It's the best MMA for self-defense, especially for teenagers. With physical attacks in schools and on the s ...
Would you want to be able to defend yourself and your loved ones if someone were to physically attack you? This video will show you how to defend yourself against an attacker choking you from the fron ...
By Zech Browning Shihan of Gyodokan Martial Arts. "Storm Within the Calm - Putting It All Together - Part 1"Hello, my name is Zech Browning Sr. Shihan of Gyodokan Martial Arts. I have been teaching M ...
There are many different methods of wrapping ones hands when they are doing Muay Thai boxing. This clear, concise video shows a simiple method that you can try as well before you start your mortal com ...
Muay Boran is the ancient relative of modern Muay Thai boxing. This clear how-to video shows the correct method of wrapping your fists to prepare for a match or training. Muay Boran is an umbrella ter ...
Muay BoranMuay Boran (Ancient Boxing) is an all-inclusive term for the ancient boxing arts of Thailand, from which modern Muay Thai was born. In the old days, fighters would wrap their hands with str ...